Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day 8 (Nov 12)

I watched the sunrise today, reading the sutras out loud. The view of
the sun rising by the beach truly makes the morning good...

Today, we added Agni Sara to our practice. I'm still getting the hang
of it. I feel so connected with the breath now and while it seems
like the shifts within me are imperceptible outside, I know there are
changes happening.

Our practices are staring to intensify. The precision disallows any
kind of cruising through the Primary Series. I truly am enjoying the
sessions even if I fell backwards two times from my headstand today. I
did okay a couple of times though. I think that although it mirrors
how unafraid I am, it also shows how I just allow myself to fall or
fail. I need to work on myself and draw the fine balance between
standing on my own feet or head.

This afternoon we had a chance to "teach" and it was not easy. To
think we were just going to teach asanas and only very few! It was
tough and we had a few good laughs. We then had restorative yoga.

I'm on to my first day of self-imposed detox as well. I made a mental
note to self of things to always have at home: honey, ginger, basil,
lime. Or calamansi. Tofu. Lots of it. Herbs, spices, coconut...

I think I can sustain this being vegetarian.

Tonight, we had chanting and tratak again so I expect vivid dreams.

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