Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 1: Being Alone

Sometimes it is in moments of alone-ness that I feel most aware. This journey to a new place, a very vivid place, has left me at awe with everything unfolding. Morning washed away the exhaustion from the long day's commute and I woke to the warm and bright hues of India - in no less than an old palace courtyard full of flowers.

I took everything in quietly, and in silence my heart grew in inexplicable awe, untouched by my speaking. At last.

The experience so far has been fascinating. To witness life's stark contrasts of careful driving and mad rushing over humps, old world charm and high speed wireless connections, kindness and slyness, shy smiles of beautifully clothed cleaning ladies and then bold knocks on my door to have more of their photos taken...I was ecstatic as I rode the rickshaw for the first time, came so close to touching the cows on the street. I sat in front of the shala I had only literally dreamed of, without anyone to say deja vu, deja vu!

I waited by the door of Sharath's office, watched as he wrote my name on my ID card like getting his autograph in strange reverse, gazed at the paintings and photos in the shala - all in this quiet, electric, deep river currents gratitude.

And it has not even been 24 hours since I got here.

As I sip this evening's ginger tea and watch the cloudless sky change colors, I feel such love. It is the first day of my journey, the last day of January, the half of a moon cycle. It is the beginning, the end, and the middle all at once.

I am nowhere but here now, alone. I feel supported by the Universe, by God's hands unwrapping a present. Aloneness. All one-ness. At awe.

And in all this I feel Your love.

Sending my love back to my wonderful husband, children, and all my friends...❤

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 0: Travel Light

I am still learning. 

This is the lightest I've packed for a trip this long. I initially had one big bag weighing 50 lbs (as I do even for short trips). Nothing new to me. Once, I took a ridiculously huge red Samsonite bag, hopping all over China (for a 3-day trip). Lesson learned, big bags now last for longer trips. It just comes back double its weight and bursting at the seams.

This is the trip (I will try) to change all that. 

After much pruning, I now have these. My mat and trolley are checked in.... 

I shouldn't aspire to pack like royalty as I will be carrying these myself. This is the time to travel light. 

As a gift, the lightness came and perched on my shoulders all throughout my last practice at home before leaving. I am hoping the lightness stays with me everyday for the next 30 days  and beyond (except Moon Days, Saturdays, and Ladies' Holidays)... 

And speaking of royalty, I will be staying at The Green Hotel (once the Chittaranjan Palace and home of Mysore princesses). It is now an Eco-tourism hotel, perfect for this dandy Bohemian. At least for a while. If I am unable to get a place near the shala, please send love, light and cash donations. :)

Meanwhile, one stop in Hong Kong then I'm off to Bangalore.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Answer Is Yes

So close to the day I leave for the inevitable pilgrimage. This moment waited patiently to bring me to the mad rush of last minute planning, packing and printing. The final verdict arrived today.

The lack of time is no excuse to finally write in gratitude. Still, my words seem terse right now. And so I borrow the beautiful words of Walt Whitman, his last verses of Passage to India. His poem came to me during these waiting moments (one of the many signs that said yes, over and over, as I quietly tempered my heart rate...) 

and now ---

Passage, immediate passage! the blood burns in my veins! 

Away O soul! hoist instantly the anchor! 

Cut the hawsers--haul out--shake out every sail! 
Have we not stood here like trees in the ground long enough? 
Have we not grovel'd here long enough, eating and drinking like mere brutes? 
Have we not darken'd and dazed ourselves with books long enough? 

Sail forth--steer for the deep waters only, 
Reckless O soul, exploring, I with thee, and thou with me, 
For we are bound where mariner has not yet dared to go, 
And we will risk the ship, ourselves and all. 

O my brave soul! 
O farther farther sail! 
O daring joy, but safe! are they not all the seas of God? 
O farther, farther, farther sail!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

01.20.2012 Crystal Healing

This is for the colors lined up in your body - tied and untied to mine.

However fast the vortex spins, whatever balance lacks,

We will all clear and heal
and clear and heal
and clear and heal


For me, there are only few things that offer as much rejuvenation as Savasana. During days when the body clamors for deep rest and relaxation, a few minutes of Savasana can truly bring renewed energy.

To enter into a deep state of Savasana takes practice in the beginning. The whole body, and therefore, the mind, must accept stillness and complete relaxation. The eyes are closed, palms face up and the feet may naturally fall to the sides. Verbal cues and visuals may aid - taking a deep inhalation, pausing at the top of the breath and releasing fully as one exhales; visualizing sinking into the earth; scanning the body, part by part from the tips of the toes to the top of the skull, and releasing any tension as if melting into the mat.

Later on, we enter Savasana on our own with more ease and just let the weight of the body surrender to gravity, heavy and full on the ground. The breath is light and naturally soft and the mind, though aware, allows the body to be completely at rest.

Taking the time for Savasana brings us back fully refreshed from a connected practice or energized for the next round of activities. Take your time and bask in the sweetness of Savasana - a few sips of stillness can do wonders.

Take rest and enjoy.

Photo caption: Being centered is a state of mind

Friday, January 13, 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Child's Pose

My Darling Girl,

Om. The world is blossoming before you - you within it and the world within you.

I watch you, amazed...

Inspirational Lotus Pond

Singing Bowls