Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 2: Govinda Kai Retreat in Tali

Today, I had a wonderful practice. My backbends and Kapotasana were deep and grounded. As with previous seasons, G being here is a premonition, a catalyst, a certain kind of strengthening.

I forgot to bring my notebook for his sessions so I am recalling this from memory. The lessons sing to me.

We need to reclaim our ritual of storytelling and deeply listen to stories that people tell.

Everyday, we find ourselves in rabbit holes and that is more reflective of reality.

Reality is not a backdrop that does not change. It is not linear and logical and sensible. It is alive and changing. We are connected to reality.

The structures are breaking down in these times and there is an opportunity to recreate the stories we've told ourselves. Collectively, around the world, our baseline story is changing.

Practice. We practice on the mat. We practice on an emotional level.
Jealousy is the Kapotasana of emotions - we need to be gentle as we get to know the deeper emotions - don't jump straight away.

This is the time of renaissance - the time for reviving art, reaching deep and connecting to our souls. There is a collective consciousness that is already unfolding in a more palpable manner.

We need to tap into our creative abilities. Not merely be reactive to circumstances and irritation.

Our thoughts are manifesting faster than ever. We are all connected deeply.

* * *
Yes. We are.
* * *

Highlights: Stone-oven baked pizza, laughter, 5 hour brunch and controversial conversations, champagne, rain, vegetarian tocino and mongo, chanting with percussions...
That night I saw a beautiful Tuko in our bathroom. Lucky.

Prasarita Padotanasana Photos taken by Govinda Kai

Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 1: Govinda Kai Retreat in Tali

I am now at the end of the 1st retreat day with Govinda and 6 beautiful seekers at the Celdrans' gorgeous residence in Tali. The trip was truly a happy one with Tesa, our stories, soulful music and our strange sisterhood.

The Celdran home is such a peaceful haven with a garden that is wild (my kind of garden) and a generous view of the sea. The interiors are Filipino at heart (Capiz panels, wood, and weaves) and the energy so warm and lived in.

Photo of Celdran Home taken by Monique Borja

We had a Satsang and opening talk before dinner, talking about what brought us here. The familiarity of the chants and G's voice took on a new light amidst the sound of waves and a cool afternoon/evening breeze. It is a special time for all of us.

This is the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I am left with thoughts of transcending boundaries, a recurring theme over the past few days. As I step over the line that says there is no other way but the everyday existence I know, an array of possibilities begin to open. I am in a state of Trust. In what seems like a rash twist of things, I am content in knowing these are magical moments and there will be more to come.

We sat silently for a while before we closed our session in time for the last meal for the day.
Denise prepared such a wonderful dinner - the falafel and couscous were fantastic. I think the best I've ever tasted. I enjoyed the light conversation with the group after dinner.

I am back in my room. 2 beds with fresh white sheets. My Japanese room mate will arrive in a few hours. And in another few hours, we will begin our practice.
Here's a photo I took (that looks like a painting) taken at the dining area...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Beginning to Simplify...

My work desk is clear. I have one pending item left (a last minute request from one of my favorite mentors). I am on to the last few hours with my BlackBerry.  I've been nurturing the beginnings of a flu and this colds for 5 days now. This must be some kind of withdrawal symptom. My "terminal leave" begins.

I have been in the jungle for 13 years and I finally mustered enough courage to take that leap of faith. I am taking an indefinite leave to pursue love and simplicity. My routine is undergoing a sweet transition. This week, I will be joining Govinda Kai for a retreat. Next week, Jessica Blanchard is in town. The following week, I will continue practice and wrap up my clearance. All this time, I will continue to take on my Monday, Tuesday and Thursday classes. Then off to Samahita Yoga Thailand I go.

Come September, I will be teaching more classes every week and working on happy new things. Exciting, blessed times ahead! So now, I am beginning to declutter and simplify my life.

Here are some ideas in bold from Inner Simplicity (Elaine St. James' 100 ways to regain peace and nourish your soul). I've taken the liberty to just share my own musings...

Spend time each day in nature. When we moved into our small home, we did so because the community had a jogging trail by the river, lots of trees and open space. We have a small balcony overlooking a large expanse of sky, trees (okay, also rooftops and the water tank) but also the antipolo hills. Depending on the time of day, the hills are golden. At night, they are lit like Christmas trees. Ynigo and I began to take walks around the village. I would like to sit in the balcony more often in meditation, smelling the basil, rosemary and sampaguita I've planted.

Create beauty in your life. I would like to go corner by corner in our home and begin to think of ways to create space and beauty around us. My extra challenge - I will achieve this without any additional purchases. The first step is to let go of the things we no longer need to make space for more beautiful things to take their place.

Get in touch with your creativity. Writing, photography, painting with the kids, injecting more creativity into teaching, opening to the projects that will come my way.  It is time to use the gifts we are given.

Latch on to synchronicity. When I finally declared my decision to pursue my mission to travel, teach and write (after years of knowing and resisting and mutating my purpose), I felt like bursts of light shone through and the path became clearer. All the wonderful opportunities opened, and I was given enough (no more, no less) to sustain what was needed. Whatever the future brings, it will bring but I am savoring these times, moment by moment, just trusting the unfolding and the gifts along the way.

And finally, for this post, here's something to think about, straight from the small book:

Create simplicity, not austerity.  "... living fully doesn't mean having it all, going everywhere, doing everything, and being all things to all people. Many of us are beginning to see that too much is too much. Doing too much and having too much get in the way of being able to enjoy the things we do want in our lives, and to simply be who we are.

Achieving a level of inner simplicity makes it possible to choose intelligently the things that are meanigful in our lives and that contribute to our happiness and our peace of mind."

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Striving for Balance with Jessica Blanchard at Yoga Manila (Ortigas)

Jessica merges East and West in her integrated approach to diet, lifestyle and yoga. A student of Ayurveda since 2003, she completed a four-year training at the European Institute of Vedic Studies, under Atreya Smith. She is also a student of nutritional science through a traditional university.
Jessica is deeply impressed and amazed at the way the ancient system of Ayurveda can help individuals in the modern world. She also recognizes that advances in science have brought us detailed information about cellular nutrition, disease and immunity. Through an integrated approach to health and nutrition she strives to disseminate authentic, evidenced-based and at the same time intuitive information in her sessions.
Jessica’s yoga teaching style is a fusion of detailed scientific anatomical knowledge with a deep understanding of the energetic body. She teaches yoga paying particular attention to the intersection of the physical body with the energetic body. Through attention to correct alignment, breath and postural awareness, she encourages students to practice with intelligence. This is a key component to practice longevity—allowing students to practice injury-free for a lifetime.
Jessica has spent many years studying with the late Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, and was given his blessing to teach in 2004. She continues to study with Sharath Rangaswamy in Mysore and Richard Freeman in Boulder, CO. She holds the Level 2 Teaching Authorization from the Sri K. Pattabhi Jois Institute in Mysore, India.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Smritih: There Once Was a Shala

PYS 1.11 Anubhuta Visayasampramosah Smritih
Anubhuta, experienced, vishaya, objects, asampramoshah, not forgotten, smritih, memory.
A memory is an experience that is not forgotten.

Yesterday, I found one of the old schedule cards of the Jagad Yoga shala and like a scene rewound, I see: The top of a run down building without a working elevator, the smell of incense, music playing, the red and green dancing lights on the equalizer from the small bar at the corner, sliver of mirrors on walls, photos from India, the plants outside, and a dimly lit vegetarian cafe with old issues of Yoga magazines. There once were 2 teachers and the students (who are now teachers)...

I went to the 630 evening classes straight from work, practicing in a room full of people ujjayi breathing. I did not know too many of the yogis. I moved with Sandy's voice, as with everyone. She moved with her twin braids, voice clear cutting through the thick air...

Life - mine, theirs, yours - has changed drastically since those days. There are days enveloped in those years I would rather not remember. There are scenes I would not want to forget. 

It's all in the past. The run down building long gone. I took a few moments in its memory to thank all the glorious and gregarious stories in and around those moments. 


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Space for Quiet

"Settle yourself in solitude, and you will come upon God in yourself." ~St. Teresa of Avila

      "Compose yourself in stillness. Draw your attention inward and devote your consciousness in the Self. For the wisdom you seek lies within." ~ Bhagavad Gita

I realize it has been almost a month since I've written in this blog. The irony of it all is that these weeks have been rich. Rich in emotions, thoughts, egos running amok in what I would think as one of the more remarkable turbulent times of my life. I waver ever so slightly at the thought that the universe is unfolding as it should - parents gone mad in their own stories of tabloid quality, my nerves frayed from the recent long, busy days and sleepless work nights, my many roles barely making the passing mark, the new (and old) vignettes in this drama - in the midst of this, I am on the verge of entering a new phase.

In these times, I turn silent. I become very, very quiet. These are rare and precious times for turning in and diving deep in to the layers that cover us so we can listen to the answer we buried because it did not make world sense. This is the time we determine which is true defiance, which is true obedience. For me, this requires an almost severe solitude.

My body has not fully recovered and so my practice takes on a quieter, softer form. I am taking my time because out of this muck, clarity has begun to grow. It is time to make another life choice, one I have been putting off for a long time. I quiet my thoughts so I do not need to respond to every single question or reaction. We all know our paths are meant to be different.

In the coming days, the answers will radiate. This means simplifying my life on so many levels. If you are reading this, please wish me happy thoughts. I am about to fulfill my dream.

Inspirational Lotus Pond

Singing Bowls