Sunday, January 22, 2012


For me, there are only few things that offer as much rejuvenation as Savasana. During days when the body clamors for deep rest and relaxation, a few minutes of Savasana can truly bring renewed energy.

To enter into a deep state of Savasana takes practice in the beginning. The whole body, and therefore, the mind, must accept stillness and complete relaxation. The eyes are closed, palms face up and the feet may naturally fall to the sides. Verbal cues and visuals may aid - taking a deep inhalation, pausing at the top of the breath and releasing fully as one exhales; visualizing sinking into the earth; scanning the body, part by part from the tips of the toes to the top of the skull, and releasing any tension as if melting into the mat.

Later on, we enter Savasana on our own with more ease and just let the weight of the body surrender to gravity, heavy and full on the ground. The breath is light and naturally soft and the mind, though aware, allows the body to be completely at rest.

Taking the time for Savasana brings us back fully refreshed from a connected practice or energized for the next round of activities. Take your time and bask in the sweetness of Savasana - a few sips of stillness can do wonders.

Take rest and enjoy.

Photo caption: Being centered is a state of mind

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