Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 2 (Aug 15): Dawn Catcher

I woke up early this morning. 5:18 am. I needed to see the steely blue light of dawn before the day started though and I'm glad I did.

Paul opened the day at the meditation garden and I am back in the blazing arms of the fire ceremony. I truly love the mantras, chanting and ritual. If I were not an aspiring Raja Yogi, I would love to devote time for Bhakti.

Pranayama came next and I am now loving ten breaths with Kumbhaka. We stayed with Primary today and just as well. My Urdvha Danurasana is not yet ready from this pain. My lumbar spine is a bit kinder from the steam room session but it has not healed completely. My left hamstring is still achy.

I love Paul's small talks with me as I practice. He and Tiwariji are coming to the Philippines, he says...I want to see him, I say, right before my Surya B. Do I know Opus Dei? Do I know the movie about Escriva? I only nod then shake my head. I'm Ujjayi breathing, my dear guru....

So I had a beautiful practice and a sumptuous brunch with a little bit too much papaya. Today was supposed to be the start of Sankhya discussions but Professor Rao just arrived so we had a rather long break.

I had a beautiful talk with Keisha and then continued to read in the dining area, just lying on the cushions facing the beach till I fell asleep.

Paul began his session on Asanas and I remember exactly why I love him. It's the care about breath and the deeper dimensions of practice rendered with so much experience and copious amounts of silliness and laughter. He resonates with the gentler version of me. The Mohini, as G would say (Kali resonates with him more).

Some notes -
Clear the mind with the breath during asana practice. Feel and connect.
Asana is part of the yoga process and the meditative process. It has so much more potential than just a physical process.
Keep the pose alive with modification.
Keep the breath without compromise.
Enjoy the practice. Touch something inside which is the home of joy.
Remember Sthira Sukham Asanam.
There should be lightness and health. No restlessness and jerkiness.
Be generous with your breathing in the asanas.

Tomorrow's practice will be taken with longer breaths. Slower, longer, harder. That's the mantra from our evening discussion with Paul and Dorien. We were having girl talk when Paul sat with us. It was a hilarious conversation on adjustments and connections and younger days. The few very light ones I get to have with him that I love so much. We also talked about keeping away from messy hurtful things that can come out of connections. I can relate to his views.

Everyday steaming is turning me into one happy (meatless) dumpling.

Krishna's energy all over.

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