Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 3 (Aug 23)

I'm liking the sound of Svaa-haaa after each Gayatri Mantra during the fire ceremony. Maybe I can come in extra early tomorrow so I can do my Pranayama...5:30? Let's see.

Practice was beautiful today. I finished rather early despite doing 3 Urdvha Dhanurasanas, preps and then 3 dropbacks. Ah, the beginnings of love. I also was able to bind again in Marichy D quite happily. I must bring that feeling home for when I do my practice. Paul helped me with my Supta Kurma and then decided to have a conversation with Mathias (beside me). I had to remind him that I was still in my shell after a while...I thought that was funny.

Anyway, I need to work on my Chakrasana. I keep rolling on my left side...I tried the up and down Halasana Jon taught me but I may need extra energy (or someone to lift) because I lifted my legs up, down and....rolled onto my left side. Practice, practice.

Now, for my magical story of the day. After Tricia (new friend from Taiwan) left for her Reiki, I was left by myself in the dining area. Michelle (another new friend from Taiwan) joined me. We got around to talking about her leap of faith out of the corporate and into teaching - despite the many objections from the executives and panic from her parents. She now works 18 hours a week earning as much as she used to doing HR consulting. Enter another Michelle (new friend from HK) who was in IT Consulting but now doing freelance IT projects AND part-time yoga teaching. It takes not 1 but 2 Michelles to get me thinking about what to do next. We swapped stories of mantras and tattoos and magical moments in YT and Paul. We talked about so much more and I think it's wonderful when the sign posts that God send actually talk with you. Here they are :)

We got introduced to the Sanskrit alphabet and got deeper into the philosophies.
The days are flying by and I just feel so very blessed to be here.

The world has enought to fulfill one' needs but not enugh to fulfill one's greed.
Yogis make their hearts larger.
For the "beginner" yogi, action. For the one who is "there," calmness.
Everyone is a residence of God.
If one is a yogi, God is in his heart.

There is a subjective world and an objective world.
We were trained not to believe in our own subjective experience. In objectivity, the greatest casualty is the mind.
Science has taught us to doubt everything and so we move from doubt to doubt.
In the process of this never ending process, there is no satisfaction.
Scienc created wonderful objects to suit our needs but ignored the subject (and so we create more problems).
In yoga, we need to bring the head and the heart in matching coherence.
Our citta vriti (mind conditioning) becomes more and more complex with experience - but confined in our own domain.
At the heart of citta vriti is our dependence on our ego (personality). When our personalty is fixed, we are not capable of learning (and we start complaining).
It is the citta vritis that make us old an inflexible.
We need to regain our HARMONY.
Stability. We have to be what we are. But everything changes constantly and so we need
Adaptability. So we can be stable in changing conditions. When these match, we have
Integration. In this, the undesirable aspects of stability (rigidity) are removed and we go through

When this comes, growth is natural.

We need to know what is causing the disharmony in ourselves...

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