Thursday, February 25, 2010


Yoga is about intimacy. Intimacy with who we are, how we are, intimacy in all our relationships. We must increase our intimacy.

More and more, I find I had the "correct" thoughts when I was younger, when the bitterness had not overwhelmed me, when I was much simpler, kinder, funnier. Ah, so I aged. I should accept that so I can start the process of unburdening.

I took down notes again because the message of yoga through Govinda is powerful. We must remind ourselves of things we claim to already know.

Presence is transcendent - not dependent on time and space. As a yogi, we must cultivate this presence. When we criticize others, the presence is significantly diminished.

The yoga teacher's primary job description is to BRING PRESENCE. 

When we cultivate presence, we dissolve anxiety and fear. We nourish and manifest COURAGE.
We also allow miracles to happen, synchronicity.

To cultivate presence, stay connected to your breathing - watch the quality of your breath.

Note to self for when I begin teaching: Be free.

Perform action with presence.

Let life. Trust. Get out of your own way.

You are exactly where you need to be.


Asana practice was so very beautiful. I was in each moment and breath. I practiced beside Hoze and I think he lent me his energy for Ubhaya Padangustasana (still watching my momentum on the inhale...).

When the mind is quiet, then the asana is correct (Guruji).


More info on Govinda Kai on

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