I am watching the stream of my very irritated thoughts this morning. I was not able to sleep very well and when I did, I had a rather stressful dream. I guess it's because I didn't venture into sleep with the easiest thoughts either.
So just to put things in order, I tried Vaman again. I took in another liter, purged maybe half a cup, and again I only got to be nice and rehydrated. And rushing to the bathroom more often. Ah, my elusive Vaman kriya.
On days like these, my little sources of annoyance are heightened. And it's truly in these times that I need to remember Patanjali's wisdom. So I thought to move the position of my mat to come closer to Ganesh and Patanjali. If I make a little change, will it make a difference?
It's our last led session and we're going for the full primary series.
I'm willing to bet on this little move. So...
Paul adjusted me in Marichyasana D and I did it! Yay! It was very intense and I really need to practice the latter poses. I think my sun salutes are much cleaner and I feel my hips opened maybe a millimeter more. I'd like to think so, anyway. Tonight, I need to go over the poses and corresponding adjustments.
Paul did a demo of a modification for Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana on me - Ardha Chandrasana. I remember this pose from my Hatha days.
Pretend I'm a guitar, open, open...slowly let me go. And voila! Nature is a natural, he says. I hope the teaching comes naturally too. I did teach college kids but this is deeper for me, very personal and "whole"
I think Paul might be my teacher for the long haul. If I'm the kind of student he wants...
There's a new chant to remember. Beautiful Saraswati. Oh and how I
need her now.
Saraswati Namastubhyam
Varade Kamarupini
Vidyarambham Karishyami
Siddhirbhavatu Me Sada
Oh Saraswati, prostrations to you
The one who always gives boons and has many forms
I will now start my learning
Let there be fulfillment in every effort I make
Today, we also watched 1938. There were silent videos of BKS Iyengar and Krishnamacharya doing advanced asanas. We kept the Buddha bar music playing while we watched. This system has a rich lineage, it is amazing really.
Tomorrow is a new moon. No Asanas. But they will be breathing deeply in a soft soothing sound somewhere, deep in my head.
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