The above picture shows the relation of the sounds of the Gayatri Mantra to the specific centers of the body. As shown above, particular letters of the Mantra are related to different parts of the body. The details are in the table below.
No. Letter Gland Involved Energy
1 Tat Tapini Success
2 Sa Saphalta Bravery
3 Vi Vishwa Maintenance
4 Tur Tushti Well-being
5 Va Varda Yoga
6 Re Revati Love
7 Ni Sookshma Money
8 Yam Gyana Brilliance
9 Bhar Bharga Defense
10 Go Gomati Intellect
11 De Devika Suppression
12 Va Varahi Devotion
13 Sya Sinhani Power of Retention
14 Dhee Dhyan Life-Breath
15 Ma Maryada Self-restraint
16 Hi Sfuta Penance
17 Dhi Medha Farsightedness
18 Yo Yogmaya Awakening
19 Yo Yogini Production
20 Naha Dharini Sweetness
21 Pra Prabhava Ideal
22 Cho Ooshma Courage
23 Da Drashya Wisdom
24 Yat Niranjan Service
Gayatri activates the above mentioned twenty-four divine qualities in the devotee. With their growth, varied accomplishments and prosperity start manifesting in the life of the devotee. Gayatri Sadhana is the well-organized scientific process of spiritual growth and it has a solid scientific basis.
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