It's raining. I checked which nostril was blocked and now it's the left nostril whereas normally it would be the right. Ah, my nostrils are attuned to changes in the weather.
It's already 6.21 am and I'm still in the room...
* * *
So I finally got out of our apartment and into the shala. I did not know what to expect coming from the very low energy yesterday. I had a teaspoon of honey while watching the sky change colors.
* * *Aaaand we're back. Energy and some semblance of lightness in the practice. I'm still working on my back bends. I used to say that Urdvha Dhanurasana was my teacher pose. Look, she has so many relatives. They all want to teach me. I am beginning to love all of them. Beginning.
So, I spent the afternoon finishing my write up for Reiki. Here's Claudia. I told her about Day 1 of the clearing process.
I also want to remember my beautiful Italian friend Laura who only knows one Filipino phrase (translate smelly b*tt) thanks to her houselady! She's wonderful though and super gorgeous...
* * *
We're doing second series now and the workshop is on Pasasana. Paul made us do prep work. The afternoons have been intense with the workshop modules.
Paul in just one of the many preps we did for Pasasana.
Tomorrow we will do extra poses before entering 2nd series so modified Salabasana and Dhanurasana and Supta Virasana... Plus the prep work on Pasasana. I'm allowed to go into second series after Upavista Konasana.
Lightness stay with me.
* * *
Trivia: Saksi (Witness) is a Sanskrit word we adopted in our language. In Sanskrit, it is pronounced as Shaksi, though.
That's my theme today, or maybe these weeks. There is this kind of witnessing.
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