...as I reflect (and recover).
From The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga (follow the author on twitter @Deepak Chopra)
A yogi knows that his mind and body are in the ever-changing world but his essence - his soul -
resides in a dimension beyond change.
As a yogi, you are an environmentalist because you recognize that the rivers flowing through the valleys and those flowing through your veins are intimately related...
Yogis pay attention to the food they consume...Certain foods are said to be particularly conducive to a yogic lifestyle...The four most sattvic foods revered by yogis are almonds, honey, milk, and ghee.
A yogi...spontaneously expresses generosity in every thought, word, and action.
Yoga philosophy begins with the spirit. Getting in touch with your spirit is the true goal of yoga. One way to connect with your soul is by consciously asking yourself questions that go to the heart of the human experience. They are: Who am I? What do I want? How can I serve? Whether or not you are aware of it, these questions are directing your choices in life.
Become aware of the stories you tell about yourself and your world. Participate consciously in the writing of the next chapter of your life. Yoga encourages you to expand your sense of self to embrace the collective domain of your soul.
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