It seems the harder the work is in the corporate jangali, the more I feel that compelling need to find myself on the mat. 13-hour work day yesterday (literally non-stop) and 12 hours today. I started my practice at 8:30 p.m. Primary only but with it was a truly mindful practice. There must be so much peace tonight that my Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana and all my dear hamstring-intensive asanas brought only safety and balance. I savored all the poses and even easily loved my Marichyasanas (those poses are great reflections of the inner state). I held Sirsana longer and melted into a deeply aware Savasana. I have been offered these minutes, these counts of breath, and I offered each one back in Gratitude.
When pressed for time, we are reminded just how precious this practice is. I feel stronger, softer and ready for the work day that will start in another 8 hours, half way through the week. There are moments to look forward to. My Thursday class got cancelled but Saturday morning will be yoga-full of love.
As a final reflection before I go, when pressed for time on the mat, we do still have 22 hours to practice yoga off the mat. That's a lot of time for heart opening thoughts, yamas and niyamas, sthira and sukha...
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