Sunday, March 7, 2010

Thoughts on a Sunday Night (March 7, 2010)

The day wound down nicely despite my never getting used to having another work week between me and my little boy. He had fun doing a video commentary of me practicing. I hadn't realized till much later on. It sounded a bit like the Crocodile Hunter being the crocodile. A. cooked his special vegetarian tempura that I love so much and we spent the afternoon lounging around in bed, playing hide and seek and well, teaching Yzzy to sit and say Om.

Yni still has his sty but it's getting better. By late afternoon, we rounded up the gang to hear mass. Sunday evenings are still painful for me after all this time. I was quiet on the way home. A. made us a bowl of salad for dinner then I went straight to my book. Edward Scissorhands was showing. I'm not yet half way through The Palace of Illusions but I truly am relishing the story. Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni is such a gifted storyteller and already I am feeling inspired to read the Gita again.

My reading time was set aside though. A. invited me for a Sunday night swim to wash away the sizzling afternoon. The water was cold at first but we both warmed up after a while. We were planning the next surf trip and just horsing around the pool, doing jump backs at the shallow side (now if only I can lift as easily without the water...)

It wasn't a starry night but we saw the Big Dipper. I loved the alone time with A. that this entry is almost done, it seems like this was more for the other blog. I do repeat certain stories in both. I wonder if it's sustainable to have two with intersecting stories. Or would they naturally merge into one. Maybe it doesn't matter.

Time to read a few more pages from the eyes of Panchaali. Tomorrow, another work week begins. Exhale, Inhale...

Oh, and the ten day countdown to 32 begins.

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