(My little Bhagavad Gita book's cover)
New time. 9am. Front row and happy . It's an art to practice in a packed shala but if we can make spaces within our body, there certainly is space outside. I did accidentally have my foot on Ellie's head... And someone's foot on my nose (which is a drishti challenge). There are moments of martial arts maneuvering as you save yourself from receiving someone's chakrasana or being kicked in a jump back (or kicking someone, for that matter).
The amazing thing about practicing here at The Source is that it challenges all these preferences to which we've attached ourselves (I want to practice earlier/later, I don't like full shalas, It's too hot/cold, I don't like waiting, I want to be adjusted in this pose, blah blah blah...) Add the crazy/beautiful place in the mix (our jeepney drivers are nothing to their rickshaw drivers...) and you'll be in a great process of transformation - if you let it.
I'm back to my Sanskrit and Bhagavad Gita classes and this time Hatha Yoga Pradipika, too.
अत्याहारः परयासश्छ परजल्पो नियमाग्रहः |
जन-सङ्गश्छ लौल्यं छ षहड्भिर्योगो विनश्यति || १५ ||
उत्साहात्साहसाद्धैर्यात्तत्त्व-जञानाश्छ निश्छयात |
जन-सङ्ग-परित्यागात्ष्हड्भिर्योगः परसिद्ध्यति || १६ ||
(I copied Sanskrit off HYP from my phone...I have yet to read this with ease)
Larkshmi expounds -
Yoga is destroyed by overeating, fatigue, talkativeness, not following Yama and Niyama, company and fickle-mindedness...
Too much is not good anytime, he says.
Yoga flourishes with enthusiasm, firm resolve, courage, positive thinking, determination, and giving up company of people.
In Yoga, don't stick only to asana. That's only a small percentage of the work.
Well said. We are work-in-progress and there's so much to do. Practice, practice.
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