I took everything in quietly, and in silence my heart grew in inexplicable awe, untouched by my speaking. At last.
The experience so far has been fascinating. To witness life's stark contrasts of careful driving and mad rushing over humps, old world charm and high speed wireless connections, kindness and slyness, shy smiles of beautifully clothed cleaning ladies and then bold knocks on my door to have more of their photos taken...I was ecstatic as I rode the rickshaw for the first time, came so close to touching the cows on the street. I sat in front of the shala I had only literally dreamed of, without anyone to say deja vu, deja vu!
I waited by the door of Sharath's office, watched as he wrote my name on my ID card like getting his autograph in strange reverse, gazed at the paintings and photos in the shala - all in this quiet, electric, deep river currents gratitude.
And it has not even been 24 hours since I got here.
As I sip this evening's ginger tea and watch the cloudless sky change colors, I feel such love. It is the first day of my journey, the last day of January, the half of a moon cycle. It is the beginning, the end, and the middle all at once.
I am nowhere but here now, alone. I feel supported by the Universe, by God's hands unwrapping a present. Aloneness. All one-ness. At awe.
And in all this I feel Your love.
Sending my love back to my wonderful husband, children, and all my friends...❤
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