PYS 1.11 Anubhuta Visayasampramosah Smritih
Anubhuta, experienced, vishaya, objects, asampramoshah, not forgotten, smritih, memory.
A memory is an experience that is not forgotten.
Yesterday, I found one of the old schedule cards of the Jagad Yoga shala and like a scene rewound, I see: The top of a run down building without a working elevator, the smell of incense, music playing, the red and green dancing lights on the equalizer from the small bar at the corner, sliver of mirrors on walls, photos from India, the plants outside, and a dimly lit vegetarian cafe with old issues of Yoga magazines. There once were 2 teachers and the students (who are now teachers)...
Yesterday, I found one of the old schedule cards of the Jagad Yoga shala and like a scene rewound, I see: The top of a run down building without a working elevator, the smell of incense, music playing, the red and green dancing lights on the equalizer from the small bar at the corner, sliver of mirrors on walls, photos from India, the plants outside, and a dimly lit vegetarian cafe with old issues of Yoga magazines. There once were 2 teachers and the students (who are now teachers)...
I went to the 630 evening classes straight from work, practicing in a room full of people ujjayi breathing. I did not know too many of the yogis. I moved with Sandy's voice, as with everyone. She moved with her twin braids, voice clear cutting through the thick air...
Life - mine, theirs, yours - has changed drastically since those days. There are days enveloped in those years I would rather not remember. There are scenes I would not want to forget.
It's all in the past. The run down building long gone. I took a few moments in its memory to thank all the glorious and gregarious stories in and around those moments.
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