In the afternoon, I took more photos of the changes in YT from nine months ago...
There's now a wall by the wellness center (used to be wood)...
A detox bar...
A Shala board with anatomy charts...A new place for the mats and lockers...
More room by the pool...
and the lotus is still in the works, I guess...
We met the teachers this afternoon. It's a small class and a beloved subject. I am looking forward to the coming days.
* * *
From the website
M.A. Jayashree
A devoted student and teacher of Sanskrit and the arts all her life, she quietly taught in Mysore as she reared her family. Gradually over the years a few students started to hear of her and studied with her regularly. Paul was one of these. Her brother Narasimha would join in and offer philosophical discourse. She has now been recognized as one of the leading Sanskrit scholars and teaches it simply and beautifully. She has put many of these traditional texts to recording so we all can benefit and get it as originally intended. A sweet joy to learn with.
Prof. Nagaraja Rao
A gifted and very natural teacher, he is an expert in the field of Sanskrit where his primary specialty was Panini's grammar. He was chief researcher at the Oriental Institute in Mysore, India, visiting professor to both Chicago University and Jerusalem University, Israel. He has visited Yoga Thailand many times and his humble yet clear and knowledgeable way of teaching has always inspired students.
Prof. Narasimha
Brother of Jayashree and a devotee of meditation, yoga and Sanskrit all his life. He was a very close aide to the late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and became a senior teacher of the Transcendental Method approach to meditation. He is also well versed in Sanskrit and the classical yogic texts. He lives as a Sannyasi and supports his sister in all the teaching events in both Mysore and around the world.
Jack Harrison
Jack Harrison is a yoga teacher, singer and folklorist. He has worked and studied in all three of these areas for the last 30 years and has recently begun to blend them together in his Spanda Yoga Music Workshops which include yoga, music and mythology. He has a Master's degree in Irish Folklore and is a lecturer in Irish Heritage at University College Galway, as well as the designer of exhibitions at the top Heritage Attractions in Ireland. Jack's musical talents come shining through on the classic album Wind Across the Sea, produced with and recorded live at Yoga Thailand. He has been coming here for years and always gives an amazing musical performance.
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