Hello Saturday!
I just finished my home practice and as I rest, let me dig up one of my rare finds in a used books shop... Complete Works of Ram Chandra Volume 1. It contains the Ten Maxims of Sahaj Marg and the book has a commentary for each maxim. The book has an online version too...
Meanwhile, here are the Ten Maxims. May your Saturday rejuvenate your Spirit!
1. Rise before dawn. Offer your prayer and puja (meditation) at a fixed hour, preferably before sunrise, sitting in one and the same pose. Have a separate place and seat for worship. Purity of mind and body should be specially adhered to.
2. Begin your puja (meditation) with a prayer for spiritual elevation, with a heart full of love and devotion.
3. Fix up your goal which should be 'complete oneness' with God. Rest not till the ideal is achieved.
4. Be plain and simple to be identical with nature.
5. Be truthful. Take miseries as Divine Blessings for your own good and be thankful.
6. Know all people as thy brethren and treat them as such.
7. Be not revengeful for the wrongs done by others. Take them with gratitude as heavenly gifts.
8. Be happy to eat in constant divine thought whatever you get, with due regard to honest and pious earnings.
9. Mould your living so as to rouse a feeling of love and piety in others.
10. At bedtime, feeling the presence of God, repent for the wrongs committed. Beg forgiveness in a supplicant mood, resolving not to allow repetition of the same.
For more information on Sri Ram Chandra Mission, visit http://www.srcm.org/index.jsp
Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) was registered in India in the year 1945. The Mission is a non-profit spiritual organization in India, and in all the countries where it is registered.
Over the years, the Mission has grown enormously, and now has more than 1000 centres in India, and is present in 90 countries spread over all the continents. The Mission now has more than 200,000 abhyasis worldwide practising the Sahaj Marg system of meditation.
The Mission does not charge any fees of any kind for this spiritual training.
The Mission is the skeleton around which the spiritual edifice of the Mission is built. As such, it is meant to be virtually invisible, but must nevertheless support the spiritual work of the Master, and provide the services that are required by the abhyasis.
Sahaj Marg translates to "The Natural Path." It is a natural, simple system of Raja Yoga meditation and spiritual practice that helps one realize the ultimate potential within oneself. Regular spiritual practice under capable guidance enables aspirants to progressively experience the sublime presence of the divine in their daily lives. The Sahaj Marg system is freely offered to seekers worldwide through the Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) under the guidance of current living Master, Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari (also known as "Chariji"), and is effectively practiced by individuals from all walks of life - diverse nationalities, religious backgrounds, and various social conditions.
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