Thursday, May 6, 2010


We talked of vulnerability. To me, it has to do with so much trust and inner strength. To be vulnerable means to allow yourself to be touched, at the risk of being hurt. To be open and giving, but to risk rejection. It means one is able to give freely and love freely without defenses, an exit clause, some form of emotional collateral or a contingency retaliation plan - No armors, walls, moats, guards and secret snipers. It means you can allow yourself to be truly and deeply connected because there is no fear of losing.

It means there's no possession to protect. Because really, what is it of this world can we truly own?

It also requires the capacity to believe in inner strength, beyond how the world defines it.
Vulnerability has no concept of self-preservation. And when we are not too pre-occupied preserving our small selves, we can experience the gift of living with passion, honesty, an abundance of love.

It allows us to live with so much trust that we will remain whole and shining brightly no matter what happens. How hard is that in this skim-the-surface world with soul takers who eat hearts of those foolish enough to leave them on their sleeves...

But I like to keep my heart on my sleeve. Most of the time.

I did say, I like vulnerability. Because it allows us to be closer to the truth that we have nothing to lose. There is nothing of material importance that can be held on to - not wealth nor pride nor face. All these fleeting fancies and poker faces.

I like that you see my love for you in this patchwork of a body borrowed in this lifetime. The light and love that shine from the cracks of my broken pieces allow you to recognize the love and light that radiate from yours. Then we can remind each other of what is truly good and beautiful.


Nothing like dropping back in Urdvha Danurasana to remind me of vulnerability. Open up, all ye chakras...

I love how the spaces are created for these days.

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