Yesterday, Tobey, my teacher in Pulse, called. She was worried I had not been attending her sessions. I've been a home practitioner for over two months now. Work sched. She called because the Lunatic Monk was in town. I should go. Another pleasant surprise to have my teacher call me.
I am being called. Maybe to finally close in on my dream, but for now, I take it to mean I should see the Son of the Aikido Sensei. I missed him for the two sessions I could have gone. This time I must go. So I did.
* * *
No longer long-haired, I thought for a split second, when I opened my eyes to his Om midway through my pranayama, just before I brought myself to the then and there...
There is a certain way about those who continue to be transformed by yoga. That certain demeanor. that understanding. So even as he shouted Chatvari! Chatvari! to get the attention of those already in Panca, there was that tinge of humor in his eyes. He had that glint as we lost our pitch in the opening chants, once too many.
I sensed him moving around. I was trying not to be starstruck as I easily am at awe with people AND I was practicing with my teachers. I was so very happy to have his guidance in Urdvha Paschimottanasana and Sirsasana. Never mind if I fogot we were doing Marichyasana D and not B on the left side. I caught myself (and so did he) right before the non-twist.
And his talk. He talked about the Gita, his preference over the Yoga Sutras. It's liberating to sometimes hear that we generally do not have a choice or that we only have a choice 5% of the time. I would have struggled to believe this a decade ago. No more. If we stopped struggling, if we stopped thinking we can control how things happen, we would make our lives so much easier. We have no real control.
I liked his discussion on absolute and relative importance, the talk on choosing action ("a good rule of thumb is choosing the more difficult thing to do"), the talk of highest good...
Learning Yoga is so experiential. It is hard to just lecture (or truly listen), especially when the mind wants to control the subtleties with its own limited understanding. Best to drink in the words and let them nourish what they will. When we are receptive, these interactions with teachers become the beautiful moments they are meant to be.
I personally love studying Yoga because I recognize the meaning. I do not know everything but there is that recognition. I could not be happier to begin this way.
Someday, I hope this girl named Prakriti will be merged with Purusha.
More info on Govinda Kai on
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