I searched for so many celestial pieces of half sun and half moon drawings for inspiration. I combed through studio flash art. Many, many pieces later, I still did not have it. Amidst the lotus and mantras, I thought the celestial theme did not seem to fit anymore. Until the meaning unfolded once again and the sun and the moon rose once again in the expanse of my seeking soul.
After years of practicing hatha, I came to understand the meaning beyond "forcefulness". Neil would talk about ha-tha. Sun and Moon. Your movements have the unity of opposites. In every asana, find the ha and the tha. Then there's prana and apana.
From the wikipedia
The word Hatha is a compound of the words Ha and Tha meaning sun and moon ( हकारः कीर्तितः सूर्यष्ठकारश्चंद्र उच्यते | सूर्यचंद्रमसोर्योगाद्धठयोग निगद्यते || ), referring to Praana and Apaana, and also to the principal nadis (energy channels) of the subtle body that must be fully operational to attain a state of dhyana or samādhi. According to the Monier Moneir-Williams Sanskrit Dictionary, the word "hatha" means forceful. It is a strong practice done for purification.
Hatha Yoga, pronounced [ˈɦəʈʰə] in Hindi, is also known as hatha vidya or the "science of hatha" yoga. The word Hatha comes from combining the two Sanskrit terms "ha" meaning sun and "tha" meaning moon. The word "ha" refers to the solar nadi (pingala) in the subtle body and "tha" the lunar channel (ida). However, when the two components of the word are placed together, "hatha" means "forceful", implying that powerful work must be done to purify the body. Yoga means to yoke, or to join two things together, hence hatha yoga is meant to join together sun (masculine, active) energy with the moon (feminine, receptive) energy, thus producing balance and greater power in an individual.
So in looking for my ha-tha, my sun and moon, I finally found the pieces.
The image of sun and moon in drusta calligraphy is from the beautiful Tibetan calligraphy of Tashi Mannox: www.tashimannox.com and the Tibetan script tattoos from www.inkessential.com
They are in Tibetan Drusha script.
My Om Mani Padme Hum is in Uchen Script.
Everything is in its place even in the small Universe of my skin.
It would be appreciated to credit the Tibetan calligraphy to the creator of the piece, as normal practice requires to first ask permission before publishing the image, (copy right law)
Please credit the image of sun and moon drusta calligraphy: Tibetan calligraphy, Tashi Mannox: www.tashimannox.com
and: Tibetan script tattoos: www.inkessential.com
with thanks.
My sincerest apologies, sir...
Absolutely! I did make sure I placed the link beside the photo. I will put another note to emphasize the rightful credits.
Again, my humble apologies.
The work is just magnificent! Thank you!
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