As a modern yogi, we guard against being "vata-deranged" (we try). At our fingertips, we have the information made visual and tactile and portable. Billions of servers containing information made available in mobile devices, billions of apps downloadable in seconds...
I have my own favorite yogic apps for the iPhone/iTouch, for instance. Here are my Top 7.
1 Patanjali Yog Sutra ($4.99) - the sutras in english and sanskrit (I also have Bon Giovanni's version in English). It's another way to start Ataha yoganushasanam
2 Bowls (Tibetan Singing Bowls)($1.99) - I mentioned this in my earlier post. 7 bowls, a bell, gong, chimes at your fingertips, the vibrations all beautifully rendered.
3 Pranayama ($2.99)- I use this for audio cues for inhaling, retaining and breathing. Settings can be easily configured (how many breaths, ratios, animation and ambient sounds...). I was initially just looking for the tick tock sounds but chanced upon this one. Pretty useful and non-intrusive.
4 Gita (FREE) - the whole Bhagavad Gita, chapter by chapter (in sanskrit and english) so we always have a copy.
5 Autobiography of a Yogi (FREE) - The entire book and all the photos for your reading and re-reading pleasure
6 iMantra Lite (FREE) - your virtual mala (choose how many beads you want and the types of mantras you want recited (buddhist, kundalini, hindu, hindu with kabir, universal, planetary) and there are mantras under each of these categories.
7 iEphemeris Lite (FREE) - to know your moon phases
I also have two Reiki Apps
1 iReiki ($1.99) - Explanation of Reiki, different treatments, Reiki hand positions...
2 21 Power Tools of Reiki ($2.99)- Tools for maximizing reiki (attitude, meditation, verbal, physical, intentions...)
More apps are created everyday and certainly there are apps for "coaching" yoga practices, good for free flowing hatha yogis.
We have so much. Sometimes, maybe too much. One word for us, though - aparigraha. Especially as we google or make our way through the app store. This is just for the small "i" afterall. :)
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