On this rainy Sunday, I managed to practice and catch up on my reading. While spending time with Yzzy reviewing the alphabet on YouTube (yes to learning interventions!), I was pleasantly surprised to see this.
Not yo-yo or yak... Y is for Yoga.
During practice this morning, she was asking me to tell her five things about Yoga (as she pretended to write...)
In between "free breathing with sound," I managed the say the following -
- Yogas citta vritti nirodha
- breath, bandha, drishti
- practice, focus, surrender
- be fully present and aware
- peace, peace, perfect peace
She seemed satisfied with the answers and decided to stop talking to me so I could carry on.
Post practice, here is my reflection:
Before we become heart-centered, we must first know what is truly in our hearts. May it be light.