Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Two finds and a bonus

I have always believed in the impeccable timing of Divinity. It is this that allows us to see and then open doors, crack codes in the exact time needed. This is comforting for slow learners like myself. Logic for me is quick to grasp, information easy to obtain. It is the slow cooking of real knowledge that takes years to simmer. It is only then that I learn the answers have been there all along but from where I stood, I could not see. Not yet.  

I have always been drawn to life as mystical, magical, nothing short of miraculous. It is with this that comparative religion, philosophies, ancient histories, mythologies sing to me. 

With me now are two finds. Old and new. A compilation of old in the new. A new discovery in something old.

Yoga The Art of Transformation. 
It is a collection of art and essays published by the Smithsonian Institution in line with the exhibit showcasing 2,000 years of yoga as art. 

Here's the link to the exhibit:

and an article:

Here's the link to the book on

The other find is from my collection, given by my beloved Aunt Zita who shares my love of the esoteric. 

The Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky.

Two volumes of mapping spiritual roots including Hinduism, Kabbalah, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity among others. I must be ready to receive more knowledge to have gotten signals to explore the readings more deeply.

* * *
Today's biggest find is this - a message of hope in full. Although, unwell at the moment, I am grateful.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sharing mindfulness

Before the storm reached us, I had the blessing of sharing mindfulness to public school educators at the CENTEX teacher training in Batangas.

During these intense, mad weeks, I felt I needed this most.

Intention. Attention. Attitude.

After Haiyan...

It is bright now. It is as if nothing happened. But...


There are no words but a borrowed poem by Rashani...

The Unbroken

There is a brokenness
out of which comes the unbroken,

a shatteredness
out of which blooms the unshatterable.

There is a sorrow

beyond all grief which leads to joy

and a fragility

out of whose depths emerges strength.

There is a hollow space

too vast for words
through which we pass with each loss,

out of whose darkness

we are sanctioned into being.

There is a cry deeper than all sound

whose serrated edges cut the heart

as we break open to the place inside

which is unbreakable and whole,

while learning to sing

Sunday, November 3, 2013

My tapestries have come to tell me something...

About 9 years ago, I got this when I had so little. It hung on the wall of my little studio and watched me go through changes, waiting for me to reunite with Yoga.

It reappears...

This was watching my bed. My friend Steff got it from India. I thought I lost this as I could not find it for years. It re-emerges...

Diwali Lights

I love that there is a festival meant for lights. It is beautiful celebrating Ganesha and Lakshmi in radiance, welcoming peace, happiness and abundance in our home. 

Setting up during the day.

Lighting up in the evening

Beautiful lights at night

May your life be filled with hope, peace, goodness and light! Happy Diwali! 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Practice, practice, practice

Saw this online today. Good reminder.

Photo of Sharath Jois from the Yoga Mala and YS 1.12
Abhyasa vairagyabhyam tannirodhah
These mental modifications are restrained by practice and non-attachment.

Friday, October 25, 2013

The long and longer path...

Take nothing for granted...remember where you came from... #ashtanga #practice 

(Photo above taken by Loren, Mia's phone)


I am changing not in these poses
But before, after, and in between.
In the pauses coming up for breath
And out.
What do these mean
to us?

That I remember moments of breath
means nothing unless...
means nothing but

Oct 25 2013


Smriti is cultivating a constant mindfulness of treading the path, and of remembering the steps along the way. This memory is not a negative mental obsession, but rather, a gentle, though persistent awareness of the goal of life, of faith in your journey, and of your decision to commit your energy to the process. Smriti is also the practice of mindfulness of inner process, both witnessing at meditation time and during daily life. (See the article on Witnessing)

Smriti is memory.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The pursuit to serve...

The pursuit to serve transforms those on its journey. One learns excellence through countless lessons in humility; compassion through each difficult interaction; will to persist in each stormy situation; art in each solution and balance in every answer. A servant is transformed by  each moment's joy of work, all the while knowing the outcome cannot be hers to claim and that there will be other endeavors yet. 

A servant is not a slave. She is free and relentless in her cause and God-given purpose. With quiet faith overruling the noise of doubt, she persists and inspires. Those who serve who have fallen from exhaustion, she aids. She is clear that serving is no small matter. She is learning.

The pursuit to serve is the pursuit to lead.


Monday, September 16, 2013

Ganesh Chaturthi...

In the days of the season of Ganesh Chaturthi, my practice has taken on openness and obstacles at the same time. All these gates that open and close inspire and humble me. I remember my teacher once told me that Ganesh, the remover of obstacles, will sometimes be the obstacle. Sometimes, that is how the prayers are answered.

One day before Ganesh Chaturthi, He found me bearing Oms to hang from my ears, a premonition of where I am today in my practice and in my life. I often think I move one step forward only to take two steps back.

Now on these last days of His celebration and nearing Ananta Chaturadashi, I hope to regain whatever it is I have lost. 

Om shanti.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

A Healing Practice

The blessing is that I am able to share this with you.

Published in Athletica Magazine, July 2013

Click here for the unedited version :)

Monday, August 12, 2013


Pressed upon my heels,
I feel
Sometimes myself a boat
I feel
My throat feels fear

And then 

There are waves of days
I cannot place 
What time of sleep or fruit I ate
Or state of mind allows me
to leave my shore,
Knees on the floor,
One breath.

Hips and heart like open sails
Beyond break waters
Set sail. Land sight and hands. 
Like anchors dropping,
Push up the beams 
Of arms pole straight
Gaze down, reel in.
Steady, slow.

Pull up, push forward 
So much 
to catch, to fish -
Two heels
is a million 
in my muddied head.

Glorious rays of breath -
Of five full breaths forever
And ever 
And then again still hoisted
On a prayer up
And I am back
on my shore
Still on the floor.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Y is for Yoga

On this rainy Sunday, I managed to practice and catch up on my reading. While spending time with Yzzy reviewing the alphabet on YouTube (yes to learning interventions!), I was pleasantly surprised to see this. 

Not yo-yo or yak... Y is for Yoga.

During practice this morning, she  was asking me to tell her five things about Yoga (as she pretended to write...)

In between "free breathing with sound,"  I managed the say the following - 

- Yogas citta vritti nirodha
- breath, bandha, drishti
- practice, focus, surrender
- be fully present and aware
- peace, peace, perfect peace

She seemed satisfied with the answers and decided to stop talking to me so I could carry on.

Post practice, here is my reflection:
Before we become heart-centered, we must first know what is truly in our hearts. May it be light. 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha

Bright yet Blurred.

These weeks have been strange and I feel the shifting of something in and around me. Here we are at the beginning of another cycle. Time is a great teacher. So are dreams, but I find the lessons reveal themselves much later.

On Guru Purnima, I dreamed of my teacher. He asked me why I have not come to see him. 
Then I dreamed about what seemed like a train station full of people. I was traveling alone, as I do. I did not lose my way and even as I waited for fear to kick in, it didn't. Then I dreamed I was given a book - Light on Yoga Sutras - because we were reading it in a class and a stranger insisted on giving me a copy even if I had one at home. And then there were scenes of someone saying goodbye to the tombstones of her parents because she was leaving for another town. I cannot remember why but I think it was because of a heartbreak. I do not know who she is.

For my teachers, my dream weavers, my healers -

Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu
Guru Devo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshat Para Brahma
Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha

Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha.


Friday, July 12, 2013

No Bed of Roses

For the past five days, I have been lying on my own bed of nails. The first try was awkward but I eased into it after five minutes or so. The next tries were more comfortable and my back has begun to look forward to the heat and pressure from the points. 
Sleep has definitely been better. Who needs a bed of roses?🌹

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Morning Mysore

It's Arne's last day in Manila for this round. Just observing. 

For us, catching, catching...This is what happens before the work day begins.

Maritoni teaching. Soraya (top left), Anne Y. (top right), Matty with Arne, me (bottom right)

Practice photos by dear Matty

Float on

Stay above water.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Goodbye for now, knots

I had another 45 minute Chi release massage and got the expected "diagnosis" from my masahista - "You have so much knots!" I know. I feel them bunched up around my shoulders and back and have been almost obsessive about reading up on trigger points and mysofacial release... That's for another post.

I felt right at home in our Yoga Manila Shala at the Chi spa in Edsa Shangri-La, but getting a massage is always a treat. The surroundings were happily familiar - scents and sounds and all and on that day I allowed myself more than our special space.

As a guest, I enjoyed the strong ginger tea and the steam and shower combo. Then I met my precious knots. These knots come with me during practice, at work, up until the end of the day. Not that day.

I got an extra few minutes to rest and enjoy the aftermath of my massage therapy.

Taken before my massage at the Chi Spa

Here are some posts I read on knots and trigger points:

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Urdvha Dhanurasana

It's not about the back, really. Heart, don't break.

Captured by Dexter Tan. :)

Friday, June 21, 2013

Summer Solstice

Summer starts for the other side of the world. We just ended ours.

Till next season, "Arnel Espeje" 😁

Thank you for taking care of the Manila Ashtangis. ❤ 

Strong Legs

Okay. I hear you. Strong legs. Do not settle for anything less than amazing.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 3: At the shala

At the bottom right photo, Matty and I got a chance to stop the backbending for a happy shot. 
Thanks to Dexter Tan for capturing these <insert appropriate adjective here> moments.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Day 1. Short Break in the City

It's Arne's last week teaching at Yoga Manila for this round. It's also the first day of my first time ever week long "staycation." For the entire week, I will take my sweet time practicing, taking my time to practice the poses that need deeper attention, no rushing off.

Here's our Monday shot taken by dear Dexter Tan.

Of course, after practice comes the nourishment (read: hunger!) so Kristine, myself and Mr. Espejel started foraging for food. Not quite the food fight you'd expect...

Brunch at Mr. Jones

This was also where I found out about Mayan Astrology. I am apparently a Red Planetary Earth (or was it a White Mirror Spectrum?!) and that my essence is Manifestation (my action is to evolve, and my  goal is to perfect). I am also the middle toe in the left foot. This new piece of information will require lots of additional research so I can do justice to the manual computation Arne did just to get our "zodiac" right.

After all that number crunching and dissecting, we got a bit of pampering at Arne's fantastic find - Nail Tropics at Greenbelt.

Name this pose

That was before I gave another Art of Breathing talk for A-List's Wellness Workshop. That was also before the rains hit the city - #EmongPH. Suddenly the day became so much longer and we were stuck in Ortigas. It's a good thing I was in Chi Spa at Edsa Shang and got my hardworking back a massage.

Ready for Day 2.

Day 2: Ashtangis in Manila

Here's another photo collage by our dear Dexter. 

We stand, we understand, we hold on, we bend over backwards, we help each other, we watch each other's backs. We reach for our heels, for the edge, for our peace.

Wherever we come from, wherever we are - Ashtangis unite! 

In photo: Soraya, Tesa and Gigi, Matty, Me, Maripi, Michelle, Gigi, Odin.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

For the Birds

The birds are back. Each time we are presented with life-changing blessings, our birds come back to our terrace where we have a their treats ready. 

We've added two new chimes as part of their "homecoming" - the Gem Drop Prism chimes and the Chimes of Mercury. 

As an afterthought, both Woodstock chimes come close to the sun. One by name, and the other for sun catching. It must be my way of coming closer to light as I feel the need now.

Good thing the birds are back. 🍃🌷

Inspirational Lotus Pond

Singing Bowls