Sunday, December 30, 2012

Thank you, 2012!

Another year is about to end. I am grateful at the closing. This year is not ending as it began. It is ending with a beginning.

What a beautiful blessing it is to begin again, to be reminded that we spiral on and there is no need to be afraid.

I wish everyone a new year of countless joyful moments.

(Photo of Alex and me from yesterday's practice. No photo today. Here's to many years of happy practice.)

Epilogue: As it turns out, my mom quietly took photos using her phone...last practice for the year. 2 hours before 2013...

Friday, December 28, 2012

Last Full Moon of 2012

She has always been my watchful eye and this year, we watched each other more closely, I feel, than we ever have.

I hope she feels as fascinated with my waxing and waning. I hope she knows I too remain unchanged inside, no matter how the light changes. No matter who is watching from wherever they are, underneath we remain full, light, shadows and all.

We are gifted with another moon, the last one for this year.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Keep your heart open

The new year is coming. My beloved Yoga Manila family welcomes it with a newly designed website:

I was pleasantly surprised to find myself in Ustrasana, working - still, forever working - on opening my heart.

Inspirational Lotus Pond

Singing Bowls