Today is August 31, 2012. We started the month with a full moon, and we end with another.
“Tell me what you feel in your room when the full moon is shining in upon you and your lamp is dying out, and I will tell you how old you are, and I shall know if you are happy” ~ Henri Fredic Amiel
We have a chance to change our answer within the same month.
For this evening's reflection...
"Enlightenment is like the moon reflected on the water. The moon does not get wet, nor is the water broken. Although its light is wide and great, the moon is reflected even in a puddle an inch wide. The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in dewdrops on the grass,or even in one drop of water.
Enlightenment does not divide you, just as the moon does not break the water. You cannot hinder enlightenment, just as a drop of water does not hinder the Moon in the sky." ~ Dogen, 13th century Zen Master
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And while we're on the moon, here's remembering Neil Armstrong who passed away this month.
For more fascinating moon stories, read The Moon Myth, Magic and Fact by Diane Brueton. Photo above was re-edited from this book.
“Tell me what you feel in your room when the full moon is shining in upon you and your lamp is dying out, and I will tell you how old you are, and I shall know if you are happy” ~ Henri Fredic Amiel
We have a chance to change our answer within the same month.
For this evening's reflection...
"Enlightenment is like the moon reflected on the water. The moon does not get wet, nor is the water broken. Although its light is wide and great, the moon is reflected even in a puddle an inch wide. The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in dewdrops on the grass,or even in one drop of water.
Enlightenment does not divide you, just as the moon does not break the water. You cannot hinder enlightenment, just as a drop of water does not hinder the Moon in the sky." ~ Dogen, 13th century Zen Master
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And while we're on the moon, here's remembering Neil Armstrong who passed away this month.
For more fascinating moon stories, read The Moon Myth, Magic and Fact by Diane Brueton. Photo above was re-edited from this book.