Monday, January 31, 2011

"I must be a mermaid, Rango"

Yesterday, it was forward bends - a melding of gratitude and bandhas. Today, ah... it's emotions...Emotions.
And oh have I been so very emotional lately (lack of sleep, a myriad of so many things happening all at once and the glorious wonder of it all). Govinda's words resonate so much. I am in a deep passionate embrace with emotions (recognition, acceptance and investigation...) Still, I am not so bent on navel gazing except maybe in downward facing dog. I am relishing feeling. Try a few years of numbness and you will run into the arms of feeling like a long lost lover.

Anaïs NinAnd so today, I derive my yogic thoughts from an unexpected muse - Anais Nin. I could write a thesis juxtaposing the parallels and un-parallels between her lines and yoga ; her lines and my own deepest beliefs and experiences (I am amazed at how this fits today's "lesson").

Compare. Contrast. But since we're on the topic of emotions. How do each of these lines make you feel?

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."

"Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings."

"I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naïve or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman."

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage."

"I am only responsible for my own heart, you offered yours up for the smashing my darling. Only a fool would give out such a vital organ"

"How wrong is it for a woman to expect the man to build the world she wants, rather than to create it herself?"

"I am an excitable person who only understands life lyrically, musically, in whom feelings are much stronger as reason. I am so thirsty for the marvelous that only the marvelous has power over me. Anything I can not transform into something marvelous, I let go. Reality doesn't impress me. I only believe in intoxication, in ecstasy, and when ordinary life shackles me, I escape, one way or another. No more walls."

"From the backstabbing co-worker to the meddling sister-in-law, you are in charge of how you react to the people and events in your life. You can either give negativity power over your life or you can choose happiness instead. Take control and choose to focus on what is important in your life. Those who cannot live fully often become destroyers of life."

"People living deeply have no fear of death."

"There were always in me, two women at least, one woman desperate and bewildered, who felt she was drowning and another who would leap into a scene, as upon a stage, conceal her true emotions because they were weaknesses, helplessness, despair, and present to the world only a smile, an eagerness, curiosity, enthusiasm, interest."

"I am lonely, yet not everybody will do. I don't know why, some people fill the gaps and others emphasize my loneliness. In reality those who satisfy me are those who simply allow me to live with my ''idea of them."

"If you do not breathe through writing, if you do not cry out in writing, or sing in writing, then don't write, because our culture has no use for it."

"We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations."

"Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country."

"I am the most tired woman in the world. I am tired when I get up. Life requires an effort I cannot make. Please give me that heavy book. I need to put something heavy like that on top of my head. I have to place my feet under the pillows always, so as to be able to stay on earth. Otherwise I feel myself going away, going away at a tremendous speed, on account of my lightness. I know that I am dead. As soon as I utter a phrase my sincerity dies, becomes a lie whose coldness chills me. Don't say anything, because I see that you understand me, and I am afraid of your understanding. I have such a fear of finding another like myself, and such a desire to find one! I am so utterly lonely, but I also have such a fear that my isolation be broken through, and I no longer be the head and ruler of my universe. I am in great terror of your understanding by which you penetrate into my world; and then I stand revealed and I have to share my kingdom with you."

"Do not seek the because - in love there is no because, no reason, no explanation, no solutions."

"You live like this, sheltered, in a delicate world, and you believe you are living. Then you read a book… or you take a trip… and you discover that you are not living, that you are hibernating. The symptoms of hibernating are easily detectable: first, restlessness. The second symptom (when hibernating becomes dangerous and might degenerate into death): absence of pleasure. That is all. It appears like an innocuous illness. Monotony, boredom, death. Millions live like this (or die like this) without knowing it. They work in offices. They drive a car. They picnic with their families. They raise children. And then some shock treatment takes place, a person, a book, a song, and it awakens them and saves them from death. Some never awaken."

"The role of a writer is not to say what we can all say, but what we are unable to say."

"Sometimes we reveal ourselves when we are least like ourselves"

"You don't find love, it finds you. It's got a little bit to do with destiny, fate, and what's written in the stars."

"The possession of knowledge does not kill the sense of wonder and mystery. There is always more mystery."

"I must be a mermaid, Rango. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living." ~ for Tesa, my mermaid sister

"The secret of joy is the mastery of pain."

"Man can never know the loneliness a woman knows. Man lies in the woman's womb only to gather strength, he nourishes himself from this fusion, and then he rises and goes into the world, into his work, into battle, into art. He is not lonely. He is busy. The memory of the swim in amniotic fluid gives him energy, completion. Woman may be busy too, but she feels empty. Sensuality for her is not only a wave of pleasure in which she is bathed, and a charge of electric joy at contact with another. When man lies in her womb, she is fulfilled, each act of love a taking of man within her, an act of birth and rebirth, of child rearing and man bearing. Man lies in her womb and is reborn each time anew with a desire to act, to BE. But for woman, the climax is not in the birth, but in the moment man rests inside of her"

"The only abnormality is the incapacity to love."

"I hate men who are afraid of women's strength."

"Love consists of not looking each other in the eye, but of looking outwardly in the same direction"

One word I would banish from the dictionary is 'escape.' Just banish that and you'll be fine. Because that word has been misused regarding anybody who wanted to move away from a certain spot and wanted to grow. He was an escapist. You know if you forget that word you will have a much easier time. Also you're in the prime, the beginning of your life; you should experiment with everything, try everything.... We are taught all these dichotomies, and I only learned later that they could work in harmony. We have created false dichotomies; we create false ambivalences, and very painful one's sometimes -the feeling that we have to choose. But I think at one point we finally realize, sometimes subconsciously, whether or not we are really fitted for what we try and if it's what we want to do.

You have a right to experiment with your life. You will make mistakes. And they are right too. No, I think there was too rigid a pattern. You came out of an education and are supposed to know your vocation. Your vocation is fixed, and maybe ten years later you find you are not a teacher anymore or you're not a painter anymore. It may happen. It has happened. I mean Gauguin decided at a certain point he wasn't a banker anymore; he was a painter. And so he walked away from banking. I think we have a right to change course. But society is the one that keeps demanding that we fit in and not disturb things. They would like you to fit in right away so that things work now."

"I believe one writes because one has to create a world in which one can live." ~ This is for the stories we tell, G.

"Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death."

 "We are like sculptors, constantly carving out of others the image we long for, need, love or desire, often against reality, against their benefit, and always, in the end, a disappointment, because it does not fit them."

"Our love of each other was like two long shadows kissing without hope of reality."

"I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by losing."

What we call our destiny is truly our character and that character can be altered. The knowledge that we are responsible for our actions and attitudes does not need to be discouraging, because it also means that we are free to change this destiny. One is not in bondage to the past, which has shaped our feelings, to race, inheritance, background. All this can be altered if we have the courage to examine how it formed us. We can alter the chemistry provided we have the courage to dissect the elements." - Svadhyaya

"Each contact with a human being is so rare, so precious, one should preserve it." ~ for Roland, who dreams of you on the first meeting...

"The truly faithless one is the one who makes love to only a fraction of you. And denies the rest."

"I sat there for three hours and did not feel the time or the boredom of our talk and its foolish disconnection. As long as I could hear his voice, I was quite lost, quite blind, quite outside my own self."

Now that you made it this far, here are some quotes to ruffle feathers. I cannot ignore how they stir me.

"Everything with me is either worship and passion or pity and understanding. I hate rarely, though when I hate, I hate murderously. For example now, I hate the bank and everything connected with it. I also hate Dutch paintings, penis-sucking, parties, and cold rainy weather. But I am much more preoccupied with loving."

(Thank you,, for not making me re-type the quotes...)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 30: Yoga and the observed life

My life, since its daily recording, has been quite eventful. That's the power of awareness, at least on a daily basis. We pay attention. Now I imagine, what if I were to chronicle each and every moment. What fascinating shifts will there be...

Photo taken by Govinda Kai during our practice at Bliss Yoga.

GK back in Manila

Once again, the Universe has created space in our lives for Govinda, another pause to reflect. If our minds can still the ripples, that is.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 25: Do Not Go Beyond This Point

Well now, where's the fun in that? :)

Seriously though, there are certainly sound and logical reasons for the rules we make and live by on a daily basis. The signs are meant to protect us and those around us, primarily, from pain. They remind us, if we haven't yet recognized it ourselves, that we may be in a precarious situation.

Sometimes, the signs may be placed too close to comfort and we allow ourselves to take an extra step or two without much courage to bring the experience to us more deeply - to see the full view, to feel more. There are times, however, when we pause and assess how much risk we are willing to take to go beyond a certain point. We take a deep breath and dare to take a step further or, when inspired, we take the proverbial leap of faith.

In that pause right before we choose to leap forward or turn away lies that big opportunity to know ourselves more.

Often enough, there are signs that may be well meaning but misplaced and following them brings no harm but neither do they help deepen our experience of life. There are those who defy signs and they are not always right but the experience allows them access to wisdom beyond what the sign says or they may arrive at that same conclusion - it was unwise to have gone beyond that point. Depending on the outcome, they are labeled either brave or hardheaded, persistent or stubborn, visionary or crazy.

There is a balance that needs to be maintained between safety and experience and recognizing whether the situation is truly a quest for deep wisdom vs. defying obvious common sense - think climbing Everest vs. prank stunts. Then again, the difference may be debatable as in the case of falling head over heels in love.

So when our internal signs are flashing, it helps to ask ourselves the question "Why not?" just so we bring full awareness that we are choosing between following or wanting to defy the rules. We can then stand on the edge, jump or recognize the value of our safety. All are important and the awareness from asking the question makes us claim the experience for ourselves.

Would you go beyond this point?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 24: Solace

If only we allow ourselves these moments before our crazy days begin. A beautiful view helps... :)

@ the manor

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 17: When it's not black or white

We could live in great splashes of color if only we could stop trying to make sense of black and white all the time.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 16: Live Curious

and the Mudra's Umbra. I've been thinking of the Mudras lately. Time to learn.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thank you, Amy!

This must be the most fertile ground

For growing our lotus.

Amy Santos in Manila

My first day back at Yoga Manila Ortigas for 2011. It was a great practice and the start of many wonderful days of Ashtanga. Nine students came tonight. Amy Santos is in Manila for a few days to share her practice with us. I stayed at the corner at the front, my mat perpendicular to the regular YMO yogins and yoginis. I absolutely loved it. Despite the long, ahimsa-challenging work day, the evening asanas balanced the day beautifully!

Day 11: Beautiful Practice

Amy Santos is in town! Beautiful people, great class!

And I got to practice with my YMO family. :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 10: Less Distinction

There seems to be less and less distinction between what happens on the mat and off the mat. The good news is parts of me are integrating. The bad news is parts of me are integrating. But yoga says get rid of the labels. And so I stand, corrected.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Who's back from holidays?

Fantastic practice tonight! I've been keeping up with the daily commitment and the pounds of flesh have somehow moved (with a few extra breaths) to bring me back my Marichyasana. Ah, finally back from the holidays...

My headstand is also back and I'm happily steady upside down.

Great energies are coming my way. The teachers are coming to town!

Oh I rhyme! That's always a good sign!

Can you feel how awesome 2011 is yet?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Have a Happy Ride in 2011!

Thank you for the ride, 2010 - some of my most special dreams came true in your time.

On this fresh first day of 2011, the waves remind us of the wonders that will continue to come our way. Be bold. Take heart.

Chaturanga then Virabhadrasana. Look forward. Om shanti.

Inspirational Lotus Pond

Singing Bowls