At the moment of commitment, the universe conspires to assist you” (Goethe)So begins this journey. In four months, I will be in what to me is a dream come true. I have separated this journal from others for my own reflection and for those with whom I share this path.
Pre-Course #1 - Day 1
Today is July 21. Tuesday. I received the assignments last Friday and found John Scott's book last Sunday after bookstore hopping. I am ready to go through the Autobiography again. The rest have been ordered except the Science of Breath. I will work on it this coming weekend. For now, I am in the company of alternative materials - pranayama beyond the fundamentals, yoga anatomy, and the secret power of yoga (my gentle journey through the Yoga Sutras) plus two more versions. I am reflecting.
I will have to do another round of the first assignment. The surgery from three weeks ago prevents me from full practice till end of August, but I note the following -
My practice is usually in the evening, after work at 830 pm and lasts for about an hour and a half
My last practice was working on Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana and deepening my twists. Jump throughs have yet to, well, jump through...
Breath work and meditation started yesterday morning at 5.30 a.m. and lasted for about twenty minutes I slept at 10 p.m. the night before.
Today, I woke up at 6 a.m. and will finish this entry before 11 p.m.
I had my milk tea and breakfast banana at 6.30 (as I usually do) and lunch did not happen today but snacks did, fried banana in egg wrapper (I must like the fruit).
In separate entries, I will share my reflections on the Yoga Sutras.